Tuesday, July 17, 2018

My Birthday Celebrations

   Chris worked both jobs on my birthday. Bummer! 
However, one of my best friends by the name of Heidi Bentley treated me to lunch at The Olive Garden.
I ordered all you can eat salad with bread sticks, and a small bowl of Fettuccine Alfredo. Then for dessert I had lemon cake with fresh strawberries on top. VERY tasty lunch, and great company.
   That night I invited Heidi and my sister in law Betsy over for scrapbooking. Heidi brought a friend and cupcakes with home made frosting.
   Saturday while my in laws watched Abby my sweet husband took me to Red Lobster for lunch. I had Shrimp Linguine Alfredo, a giant shrimp cocktail as an appetizer, and key lime cheesecake for dessert. Afterwards we went to a couple of stores and bought things for part of my birthday BBQ (Dinner), and a few other things we needed. I again was in great company. Chris earlier in the day had baked me a lemon cake with chocolate frosting.
   For my birthday Abby bought me a bath set in the scent of Oriental Blossom, Alan gave me a large mountain dew and bag of Cheetos,my son Chris gave me a homemade birthday card, Keturah and Benjamin called me, and Chris gave me a $30 gift certificate to Ross.
   All in all a couple of really good days celebrating my birthday with people I care about.

                      Until next time, God bless,


Friday, July 6, 2018

Day Trip?

   Tomorrow my husband is off from both jobs. It's the perfect time for a day trip. I was thinking McCall because I've heard so much about it.
   It takes two hours to drive there so that would be four hours in a car, then you add I'd want to spend at least a couple of hours there, and that would be a six hour day. I wonder if I'd be able to handle that in the middle of summer.  It's supposed to be in the mid to high 90's as far as temperature goes.
  Maybe just go sight see, and have a picnic lunch in the Ponderosa State Park. I'd like to take a cruise on the river,but Chris isn't big on boats so that would probably be out.
  There's a place you can go and do ceramics, but they have that here in Boise too so is that really an activity to do when you go out of town? 
  Maybe just stay around Boise and see the Botanical Gardens, the depot, or the world center for birds of prey? Maybe all three? 

                            Until next time God bless,


Monday, July 2, 2018

Hello Again

     Well, I finally made it to bed this morning. It was 4:30, and had to be up at 7:00 to help my daughter get ready to go to extended school year.
    In case you're wondering why such a large font I am using it because most fibro patients have vision impairments. I myself have 20/440 in one eye and in the next 20/460. Thank God for glasses who can correct me to 20/30.
    Today I want to talk to you about hearing loss. I too, suffer from this. My husband recently bought me a hearing aid, and I soon realized just how much I had been missing. In time we will buy for the second ear. I can't wait to hear all the things I may still be missing.
    For a long time my family just thought I had selective hearing, wasn't paying attention to what they said, or the most hurtful of all they thought I was choosing to ignore them.
    Dear reader if this sounds like you please demand you at least get a hearing test. If you show hearing loss then demand hearing aids. (There are affordable options out there, I know because my husband and I researched and ultimately found a low cost hearing aid for me. The people we went with can be located at: http://save.advancedhearing.com/advanced-hearing/.
     That's all I have to say on this subject for now.
                         Until next time, God bless,


I Can't Sleep.

   12:28 am and I am wide awake again.
   Thank you Fibro for messing with my sleep schedule, You STINK BIG time.
    Just once I would love to have a day free of all my pains, no symptoms showing up, and feel like the average person feels every day.  I am NOT stupid: I know it's NEVER going to happen, but a woman can dream.
    As everyone but me sleeps I have realized I'm lonely and want human interactions. Don't worry reader I will NOT wake anyone up.
    By the way reader I have a new email. It's FiestyFibroFighter@gmail.com. Please only use it if you are nice, and have positive thoughts to share.
    I hate when your body screams I" want sleep", and your body betrays you by saying NOT tonight. that's what I'm going through tonight. UGH!
    I crave sleep. Why oh why does my body betray me?  What did I do to deserve a body that's riddled with pain and problems?
     Physically and mentally. It's NOT fair! I want to scream from the roof tops that it's NOT fair!
     Thankfully, I am smart enough to realize how stupid and childish that would be.
      Have any of my readers felt this same way? Please write to me and tell me all about it. That way I don't feel so alone in my crazy thoughts. Thanks in advance.
      It"s now 1:00 am, and I'm still writing, but writing slowly because of brain fog and a body that feels like a semi rolled over me, and then lit me on fire. I have other symptoms as well, but I figured       I'd bore you if I told you everything I'm going through. That's why you got only the two worst symptoms.
     Well reader it's time for me to Say goodbye. So see you soon reader, and always God bless you.


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Time to Come Back to my Blog:

     I started this blog in 2013, and after awhile quit writing in it because no one was reading it.
    Hello July 2018!
Today I am once again pulling out my trusty computer, and decided I needed to start writing again. With one exception: I will write the good, bad, and ugly side of living with Fibromyalgia.
   Even if no one reads this I will write. More so because I want to be able to someday look back, and see how far I have come. Also to see what things keep being talked about, and see if I find new coping strategies for my symptoms.
   As I sit and type these words I find I am at a loss for what to say because of brain fog. Also my back is dealing with spasms all day, and legs feel like I have run a marathon. (Weak and hurting like crazy).
   Yet, I am determined to get this out there so others can either relate to what I'm trying to say, or have just one person realize that Fibro patients are true warriors due to the many things our bodies can put us through. Here's to my fellow warriors: gentle hugs to all of you.
   To all my readers II say: "God bless you" until we meet up again.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

What it's like for me living with fibromyalgia:

                                                  An Insider's View:

      An estimated six million people world wide are currently coping with the "invisible illness" known as Fibromyalgia.  It’s been called the “invisible disorder” because you are unable to tell if someone has fibromyalgia just by looking at him or her, but for the people who have this chronic disease, the pain is all too real.
       Some have likened it to having a an unseen bruise all over your body, others like you were ran over by a semi, some like someone jabbing you with fire hot knives, and others there are just no words to describe the sheer magnitude of their pain. As most people have seen those charts in medical offices and hospitals that say rate your pain one to ten and ten is the worst pain ever you must keep in mind that is for people who don't live with a chronic pain ailment such as Fibro.
       On those charts a ten is more along the lines of: "Okay this is really about the time I should go to the E.R., but no one will believe me so I better just stay home stage. 
      This is the stage where the first things that rubs me the wrong way whether it's an article of clothing or some one saying the wrong thing I explode into a vile monster  who attacks anyone in it's path until the flare is over.
       That's one of the worst parts of this illness, but the one that's the most disturbing of all is that people either don't believe you have an illness, or that you are exaggerating your symptoms to get out of things such as housework, employment, etc. I have had people say: "It must be nice having Fibromyalgia." When I looked at them as if they had two heads they went on to explain; "If you don't want to clean your house you can blame it on a flare or want to get out of doing something blame a flare." I hate to tell that friend and anyone else who feels that way If you think like that then you obviously have no idea just how hard it is living day by day with a chronic illness.
        Just how hard is it? When I asked my doctor what I could take that would take away my pain completely without being a narcotic he shook his head and told me I would only reach manageable levels of pain. Without opiates I would be in at least some pain every day for the rest of my life. What a mood crusher it was then, and still now three years after diagnosis.
        Another hard part is everyone whether they have this disease or not has their own opinion on how I should manage my illness in order to get better. First off I will never " get better", and two just because something works for one person doesn't mean it works for another. I have been losing weight, started eating healthier and getting more exercise, etc and guess what? NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING  has improved my fibromyalgia. Have I given up? NO! and I NEVER will because that's how much I want to improve the quality of my life.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Girl- Ahem Woman Can Dream. Right?

                                                         Dreaming and Age:

      I have decided I am going to try and fulfill my dream of being a published writer. These days it's easier than ever. On Amazon.com one can not only put their own books, but also how much they are charging for them. If that wasn't wonderful enough an aspiring author can also decide if they will sell printed copies, electronic copies, or both. 
      I was working out all the details in my head when the voice of doubt asked me: " Don't you think at your age it's kind of dumb to be dreaming of such fanciful ideas?" another thought was "if I don't take the chance now, when will I?" The answers were obvious.
     One is never too old too old to have a dream. I believe dreams are what keep us pushing forward from one day into the next. If we stop dreaming then life becomes dull and dreary and not worth living anymore. 
     I also knew if I didn't push myself now I probably never would. In just a little while I will be forty two years old and I have been told for at least thirty of those years that I should be writing for the masses. 
     I have never been one to follow New Year's resolutions but when 2013 dawned I promised myself this is the year things were going to become different. I was tired of being the way I was and I had to face my inner demons head on if I was ever going to be who I always thought I could be.
     My resolutions was to learn to accept the limitations my health has put on my life. One such limitation is even though I prefer having long hair my arms tire to easily to maintain it anymore and so as a result I had to hack eighty five percent of it off..
Before and

Another resolution was to conquer my fears. Former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experience behind him."
With that in mind I give you my book of an insider's view of living with the the invisible illness known as Fibromyalgia.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Inner Storm

                                                        The Inner Storm:

            Deep inside each and every person with an invisible illness a storm is always on the horizon. Some days it's a sprinkling of rain mixed with sunshine and other days it's a full blown tsunami.
             When the storm rages the wind howls and rattles the walls from within and before you know it the rain is pouring down all while your inner being stares out the window of your soul and wonders where the heck the storm just came from.
              It seems like lately that more and more often the storms are of the latter variety. By the time the storm disperses I am in a tangled mess of nerves,pain, exhaustion, and frustration. Occasionally brain fog moves in about the same time and if that happens then you can add delirium to the other symptoms.
              For someone who has never experienced fibromyalgia I probably sound like a full blown drama queen, but for those who have experienced it I can see you nodding your head in agreement. Maybe even hearing you saying: "But, you forgot to mention X, Y, and Z too." Truth is, I didn't forget it's just that as all individuals with an invisible illness are well aware of not everyone suffers from the same symptoms, and even the same individual may not have the same symptoms after two storms that appeared for the most part at least on the outside to be identical. 
              The frustration of a storm is not just with what happens at the end but also what leads up to that point. Some of the more prominent triggers are: Stress, overexerting oneself, overheating, poor diet, inadequate exercise, little or no sleep. and side effects from medications that the FDA still consider to be in the "safe" zone.
               I also know for me that if I eat something that has certain things in it like the red dye in bacon bits my body is going to have a raging storm within an hour after the first bite. This is why it is important to start a journal and record what you eat, when you eat it it, and how you felt for up to three days after eating it, and then reading labels to avoid those foods that create a storm inside of you.
               This will not keep all of your storms at bay as there will always be the unpredictability factor, and an ingredient in a food you ate that you were unable to determine what caused it.
               The main point in all this is take care of you and be your own best advocate. If we all can accomplish that maybe we can spearhead studies on funding research for better drugs or even better yet a cure.

               Until next time God bless,  


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Now, I fear I am Getting Old.

                           Getting old Stinks:

        Friday, May 24, 2013 I watched my oldest daughter and 2nd oldest child overall walk across a stage and receive her high school diploma. I felt such pride in her accomplishment and yes I even cried tears of joy.
         Yet, I fear it means I am getting old. How is it possible that my childhood went so painstakingly slow, and yet my two oldest children had their childhood's go so exceedingly fast?
         In the fall she will be off to NAU (Northern Arizona University), but until then I can pretend she is still my little little girl and NOT the intelligent, confident, and beautiful woman who walked across that stage last week.
         Here is my beautiful daughter as she looked last week.


Until next time God bless,

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Trip Back Home.

                                     Stress, Travel, Fibro,and Me.

          In one week I will begin a journey of twelve to fourteen hours and eight hundred and fifty miles. I will be on my way from Boise, Idaho to Arvada, Colorado to watch my oldest daughter graduate high school.
          As Keturah's mother I am naturally very proud of her for having reached this important milestone in her life. The road has been bumpy and difficult,but she came out of it the victor. Naturally again I am quite excited to see her again. It's been a little over a year since I saw her last. 
          The stressful part will be the long hours in the car and perhaps having to deal with my ex husband. I really hope he can at least be civil, if not then please ignore me is my motto: and, one I intend to follow. I am NOT going to let anything ruin my daughter's special day.
           I know my fibro will act up due to having to sit for so long without moving. I plan on bringing my muscle relaxers, prescription ibuprofen, PM's and daily vitamins and medications. I will also pack my essential oils.
           Looking forward to seeing my family again.

                Until next time God bless, 


A Letter to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain:

                                                  Dear Fibromyalgia:

                       Dear Fibro,

        I will dispel the pleasantries of asking how you are because you never seem to care how I am so why should I care how you feel.
        I have found you're a literal pain in the neck, but then again you are a pain everywhere. There are days you come along and make everything from my hair to my toenails hurt.
        I think it's fair to assume you want me to give up fighting you so you can do whatever you want to me, well I have news for you I NEVER will do any such thing.
         You have robbed me of my ability to think, remember, feel good, have a career, and take care of my family the way I want to. 
        You even at one time had robbed me of my self esteem, but thankfully I believe in God, and and he gave my self esteem back. Out of all the things I lost he knew I needed that one the most because it would help me fight you against the others you have taken and are still trying to take away from me.
         Your sense of humor is not even remotely funny. Making it hard to walk even a few feet, making me walk like I am drunk when I am sober, making me slur my words again like I am drunk when I don't even drink is NOT funny.  You make me drop things I am holding while making me totally oblivious to that fact until I hear the object hit the floor. You make me run into walls by making me think I have enough room to round the corner and you have even made me trip over the air. As for the part where I have to wear protection t all times or I pee myself without ever having had the urge to go that's just cruel.
          Good thing for me that I still have my sense of humor or I wouldn't ever want to show my face in public again. 
           I used to fear getting old because I was told you forgot things, sometimes had to wear diapers, and had lots of aches and pains. I am not in the diaper stage yet, and I don't intend to ever be so don't go getting any ideas. However, I no longer fear getting old because most days you make me feel like I'm pushing 100.
           Even on a good day which is really a oxymoron because I no longer have such luxuries I feel at least 80. When my son graduated boot camp I felt such pride in him and was thrilled he wanted to spend all of his family day with me, and yet here you came I had to end the day in a wheelchair. I was so mortified, and yet my son never even batted an eye. I was a happy mom that day, but thanks to you putting me in a wheelchair I was kept from having a completely good day.
           Now, my daughter is graduating high school next week. That high altitude Colorado has always makes you act your worst, but I am telling you here and now I intend to ignore you the whole time I am there. It's been a little over a year since I saw my family there and while you may be present I am going to do my best to block you out and be happy anyway.
          Enough with all the negativity for Fibro you do have some positive things I can say about you. One is you have made me more compassionate toward others who hurt in any way because having experienced what I have experienced I don't want anyone else to go through it if I can help it.  The next is the most important. You my dear nemesis are TEMPORARY!
            That's right just for a little while. Someday either my spirit will leave this battered shell of a body you tortured, a cure will be found, or my Savior Jesus Christ will return on resurrection morning I will have a perfect body that will be free of you, and the best part not even remember you.
            So do what you think you must, but just know Fibro one way or another you ARE going to lose. In the end only one of us will walk away the victor and that victor is NOT you, it's me.


                      Until next time God bless,


Monday, May 13, 2013

Depression, Fibromyalgia, and I.

      There are days like today I just want to throw in the towel. If it were not for my four kids and husband I would have a long time ago.
       What made today so bad you ask? Well, for starters my depression hit an all time low and to top it off I have a stomach virus and my Fibromyalgia is at an all time high pain wise.
         Is it just me or does it seem depression make the Fibromyalgia worse, which in turn makes my depression worse? It is at least in my life a cruel and viscous catch 22 that allows no one to win..
                          Until next time God bless,

A Little Bit About Me.

                                                   A Little Bit About Me:

  I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a year and a half ago, but looking back I have had symptoms of this curse all my life. My first diagnosis was MS, but I now know that was false, but my mother said when I was diagnosed with that I had symptoms all my life. Sadly enough, my mother passed away before she could find out the true diagnosis was Fibro, and I fit even more of those symptoms all my life.
           My first memory of symptoms were at the very tender age of three, and even then I can recall always feeling so very tired. I could never get enough sleep. I now know it was fatigue, but back then I was just called lazy, a label that made me cry all my childhood because I didn't have anyone understand me. This label would follow me and haunt me well into adulthood. One of the main reasons my first marriage broke up was I was: “too lazy” to keep the house clean. I also have been turned into welfare for how my house looked. I lost my kids once, but thankfully I got them back after four months thanks to a doctor’s diagnosis.
   The next thing I remember was excruciating migraines or as I thought back then just a REALLY bad headache that made me want to throw up,hat came with flashing lights. After being tested for a tumor and finding none I was called a liar, and again I cried all through childhood.
  I also remember always having pain or numbness in my legs. Never once did I feel normal. My mother gave me iron and lots of bananas when a doctor suggested I might have anemia and low potassium to explain away my pain and weakness, and yet when they didn’t go away no one questioned why.
  Before I went to school my mother tried to teach me my ABC’s and how to write and such, which I never was able to accomplish these simple tasks.Mom said I would just sit there and look at her as if to say: “Screw you lady, I refuse to do what you want.” I have always refused to believe a child of three could think like that, but that story persisted throughout my life until she died.  In school my mother was always told I had trouble retaining what I had learned and that I was always day dreaming.  An I.Q. test was given to see if I was mentally challenged, and when the results came back negative no one could explain why I was having trouble retaining what I learned. As for the day dreaming I insisted I had not been day dreaming, but Mom insisted I had to have been because teachers don’t lie. I was also told to knock it off. How do you convince someone you’re not day dreaming?
  I have since in my teens always had problems with peeing my pants or emptying my bladder completely. I always think I'm done, but all too often I am proven wrong. One time a few years back I was at a bus stop and it looked like my bladder had burst. I couldn't stop the flow no matter how hard I tried. I wound up in a puddle and hadn't even felt the urge to go. I had to call my husband who was then my boyfriend, and have him bring me a change of clothes. Talk about being embarrassed as all the other people waiting gave me disgusted looks and quickly moved away. I also have trouble with my bowels. I can only empty my bowels at the most every 2 weeks. Those times so much comes out I am sore for at least 2 hrs. Perhaps that is TMI, but people need to know the facts.
  I have also had and will have until the day I die depression. I was just told I was a mopey teenager and then later faking my suicide attempts as just wanting attention.  

  When I got my first job I had to be on my feet all day. After 1 hour I was hurting so bad I wanted to cry. My feet felt as though I had walked over hot coals, and before they could cool off someone had cut them open and was gouging the inside of my wounds.  I was told by my doctor I would eventually get used to it, but I never have, and the older I get the worse it gets, I also have never been able to sit for more than an hour because my body starts to go numb and then within ten minutes my body is locked up in agony. After I get up I can barely walk for at least another week minimum.
  I did go to doctors throughout the years, but the doctors ALWAYS had an explanation for what was wrong, but oddly enough never ran any tests on me. Maybe if they had things would have been different. Maybe instead of being as bad off as I am now I might be at least able to function most days.
  My advice to any parent who suspects anything is wrong with their child Fibromyalgia or not you need to become your child’s champion. Don’t assume everything a doctor tells you is correct. Insist they run tests and if they don’t then change doctors or get a second opinion. In doing so you just may save your child from the miserable childhood I had to endure.
                                  Until next time God bless,     

   Here is a current photo of me: 


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Good Side of Pain and Mental Illness

                                           Fibromyalgia and Mental HealthII:  

                Well after hearing the negative side to having a chronic health condtion along with illness let's bring in some of the positives.
            The most important one is we can relate on a level most people never can attain to unless they themselves have been through something similar. An example is I am a facilatator for a depression and Bi polar group by the name of DBSA Boise-Nampa. People with mental illness need to know they're not alone yes, but they also need to know that the things they have done or gone through have not only made them stronger but that other people have done the very same things. I once had a well meaning friend say: " ok, so you're depressed well I get really sad sometimes too so you just need to get over it." Her mom pulled me aside when she went to make a phone call and told me I wasn't alone and that if I ever needed to talk she was there for me 24/7 because she's been walking in my shoes a long time.
         Another good thing about mental illness is after you have decided to quit running and have decided to accept it's not your fault that this happened to you is you WILL make a great advocate in championing for other people with mental illness. You may not be able to help every one, but if you can just make an effort one day at a time we as a society might see a shift in the way people look at and respond to people with mental illness.
        Sometimes if I am having a great day mentally I notice that although I am hurting from my physical problems they're not as debilitating.
         Werll, there you have it. Some positive sides to having to deal with crap life threw your way. It's up to you now to find the rest of them on your own. I have no doubt you will do just fine.

                   Until next time God bless,


Physical and Mental Health

                                    Fibromyalgia and Mental Health:

                To those who know me my biggest complaint is my health. I always tend to think: " If I only didn't have (You fill in the blank) I could do so much more, be a better person, etc. I am sure some of you out there that are reading this and nodding your head and thinking:" I do that too". PerhaPS I even made a few of you laugh because you recognized yourself.
           Sadly enough we will never know if those ideas would be proven true as there are no cures for any of these ailments. There are medications that can help you cope with them, but hiding just below the surface is the health condition that is holding you back. I will be honest with you all I have quite a few, and you know what? that's okay.
           Some people have only mental ailments, some just physical, and some such as myself have some of both. I can hear some of you gasping and saying: " did she really just say she had mental health problems?" The answer is YES! I know all about the stigma attached to mental health, and I don't care one bit about it because none of it's true. I am not crazy, and I am not some deranged lunatic who deserves to be locked up in a room with padded walls. If I had a cast on my arm you wouldn't say cruel things about me because I had no control over that happening in my life, and the same should be said of mental illness.
         Did I ask to my brain to stop producing the chemical Serotonin? NO!,
Did I ask my brain to decide to go between two moods sometimes as fast as a light switch turning off and on? NO!, and Did I ask my brain to decide if it couldn't handle all the trauma itself and my body had endured for 27 years it was ok to give me Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? No!  So then why do we refuse to talk about mental illness? It's not going to go away anytime soon,and sadly there are many people walking around with it and won't get the help they need because of the stigma society puts on the issue.
        One in five Americans deals with mental illness. Society says suffers from, but I prefer deals with it because otherwise we put ourselves in to the victim mentality. Every day I wake up and I have to decide if I am going to take my medicine or not. Once a month I have to decide if I go talk to my counselor about how to manage my problems. I can choose to be free from the cruelty of society, or I can run and hide my head in the sand and never move forward because I am afraid of what people will think of me.
       For the longest time I was told by my ex husband I didn't have anything wrong with me and that mental health was just hocus pocus. Then after we were separated, and eventually divorced I couldn't afford my medicine all the time. Finally, after getting married for the second time I am free to take medicine without ridicule or contempt, and it's affordable. Thanks Hubby.
       The one thing besides how society looks down on or makes fun of people with mental illness that's worse if if you have a chronic health condition. As someone talking from experience I have found that when one of my mental issues spikes up so does the pain level in body. If the pain spikes first the mental issue will follow as well. Therefore, I am stuck in a vicious catch 22 until one, or both, run out of steam for awhile. While I never would've chosen to live this life I have found that at least there are some good points to it all which I will cover in my next blog entry.

                      Until next time God bless,



Thursday, March 14, 2013

The World's Greatest Son

                                     The World's Greatest Son:

          My son has arrived and there is much happiness in the heart of this mother. When he saw me waiting in the airport for him he ran the last couple of feet with a BIG smile on his face. Then once he reached me I not only got a hug, but a GIANT squeeze and it felt so nice ,I wasn't about to be the first one to break contact. 
          A couple hours after he arrived he got dressed up in a uniform and we went to his little brother's school to surprise him. I had told him that his big brother was coming on Friday so he would concentrate on his school work. Then he told his class all about his brother. His teacher asked him what branch he was in and when Ben answered: "Marines", his teacher replied with: "nice that's the toughest branch."
          Then after school his brother took him to get a haircut. When the lady asked him how he wanted it done he told her like his big brother. Then his big brother paid for the haircut.
           Right now he's cleaning my kitchen even though I have told him he doesn't need to. He also drove me everywhere we had to go. I am so proud I get to call this fine young man my son.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Mother's Farewell to a Much Loved Son

                                             A Letter to my Son:     


  As you head to Japan to begin the next stage of your life I wanted you to have something from me to accompany you. For weeks now I have been trying to think of what I want to say. It has to be heartfelt and sincere, perhaps something you'll  keep and treasure throughout your life.
        I have pictures of your life flashing through my mind as if it were a power point presentation. Some are funny, some are sad, and some I wish I  could have pressed a pause button for because I never wanted them to end.
                                        Pushing Button Down Powerpoint animation
              August 24, 1993. The day of your birth and the day I went from being just Karen to someone's Mommy. There's nothing quite as special as when you first see and hold your baby for the first time. As I nursed you I promised you I would try to be the best mom ever, and that no matter what I would ALWAYS make sure you knew how much I loved you. I also promised to be your biggest fan and to make sure you knew I would ALWAYS be there for you no matter what time of day or night it was.
This was taken on my first mother's day. All I wanted for a gift was a picture of you and I together. Just the day before you had said your first word "fan". Two days afterwards you would say your second word: "hi".
I was a proud mother to have a son who could not only talk at nine months, but used words the average baby doesn't mumble first. A tiny part of me was also sad because it meant you were growing up.Here you are just barely two years old. Dad styled your hair and dressed you. You were NOT a happy boy. You cried and cried and finally the lady let you hold her Barney you smiled and she snapped the only picture we could get of you not crying. My, how you loved your little sister. You told anyone that would listen that she was your baby.
Three years old and none too happy Grandpa had Katie and you had to hold my hand. Even then you knew what you wanted out of life. 
Fifth grade and the attitude I called the "I know I am awesome" look.  You were so sure of yourself. I have never felt that way about myself and so I could only stare in awe from the sidelines.
 It was during this time I became convinced you hated me and that once you were grown you would have nothing to do with me. I cried almost nightly on how I had failed as your mother.  Oh, how I wanted to reach out to you and let you know I was doing the best I could as a mother, and that I am sorry I wasn't very good at being one.

A Marine. My son I am so proud of you. You endured thirteen weeks of hell and came out the winner. My little boy is now a man in every way. A tear rolls down my cheek and I say a silent prayer of thanks that you not only made it this far, but that you actually still want your Momma in your life.
As your plane lifts to the sky and heads toward Japan my thoughts and prayers go with you. They will be with you every step of the way in the next two years. I will be hoping they give you some sense of comfort when you feel alone, some sense that no matter how far away you are your mother is ALWAYS thinking of and loving you. No matter how late or early it is I am just a phone call, text, email, or snail mail letter away.
With that in mind I leave you with the song that was playing on the radio at the moment you entered this world. I have only included the excerpts that won't embarrass you.


Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight.
And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.
With all my love your Momma,

Friday, March 8, 2013

My Son the Marine is Coming to Visit

                                            My Son the Marine is Coming to Visit:

        Next week on the 14th my oldest child is coming to visit me before he heads off to Japan for two years.  I am looking forward to seeing him of course, but my Fibromyalgia is seriously trying to rob me of that joy. Fibromyalgia can just go to HELL.  

         I am bound and determined that my son will NOT see anything but smiles, will NOT hear anything but laughter and positive thoughts. I want him going to Japan with a smile in his heart because his mom is sending him to Japan with prayers and love.   
    Here is what I found when I googled Iwakuni, Japan.
                               Iwakuni, a small castle town on the Seto Inland Sea, lies 25 miles southwest of Hiroshima. A five-arch bridge spanning the river is an engineering marvel dating from the 17th century, and the mountaintop castle overlooks the city and sea. Sample everyday life in modern Japan at a slower pace in a smaller city. You might see fellow Americans in this remote spot, as some 15,000 Americans reside at nearby Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni.

               It is 8, 150 miles away,and 12 time zones. In a mother's heart it's not close enough, as there are 16 hours between us.

            I will send him to Japan and as his plane flies him there I know my tears will fall.  I wonder if he knows that when he is gone my ears will always be listening for any news about Japan. does he know my hopes are filled with wanting him to have the time of his life, but above all else I want him to take care of himself so he comes back with pride in his accomplishment, and most of all his mother is sending with him that love that can only be described as:one of the strongest connections that bind two people.
 There are no words to describe a mother's love. It is such that the best way I can describe it is "don't get between a Momma bear and her cub or she will tear you to pieces and not think twice about doing so.  
           Big wheels, hot wheels, Little trucks and cars,
           Skinned knees, climbing trees
           Wishing on the stars.
           Moments may be lost somewhere in time,
           But the sweetest memories are never left behind
           Now you've grown so fine.

           I'm so proud of who you are,
The man you've become. 

           It was hard to know when to let you spread your wings,
           When to let you got to face the challenges life brings
           But you've grown so fine, a
nd come so far...

           I'm so proud of who you are,The man you've become.
           For the great things you will do
           I'll be blessed 'cause you're my son
           But I'll always see the boy in the man you've become.

           That's part of a song ringing through my head as I try to adequately express what I feel for my son. The world sees the man, but his mother will always see the little boy he was. It's not that I don't realize he's all grown up because I know and acknowledge that fact. He is a man, and a fine one at that. I am as the song says: "Proud of the man you've become."

           May God watch over you for me my son. I love you. 





Saturday, March 2, 2013

Noise Intolerance-Migrain

                Noise Intolerance-Migraines:

        Today I agreed to a short stop at Rite Aid to pick up some prescriptions, and Walmart with my husband, nine year old, and two year old. Immediately the two year old started screaming.  I wanted to go back inside the house and dear husband wanted me to just deal with it.
        I tried to tell him it was harder for me because it gives me migraines, but all he could say was:" Better a little pain now then deal with this later."
 If all I got was a little pain I could deal with it.
        At least with me and my Fibro I hear the initial scream and instantly noise intolerance kicks in. The screams feel like each one is shredding my nerves one by one and while that gets busy going on I get the relentless throb and auras that announce:" Your migraine has arrived."
        As I try to deal with all that and not fall apart my neck and area between my shoulders is one mess of burning, shredded nerves. Today, he even let her scream in the Walmart. I took a separate cart with my nine year old, and I kid you not even though we were on the other side of the store I heard every scream and so did my nine year old.
        By the time we got home I was barely walking and only giving very short, clipped answers. I immediately came on here so I could get this out while it's all still fresh. It still hurts like mad, but this needs to get out for the real world to understand some of what we go through.
         The pain is burning, gnawing, raw, and throbbing.I also feel like I am going to throw up anytime now. So much for the hypnosis to help me relax and the wonderful nap I had today that made me feel restored and like I could take on the world earlier. Sigh.

           Until next time God bless,   


Friday, March 1, 2013


                                   PAIN SPECIALIST?


              So, I have finally calmed down after seeing a pain specialist on Wednesday morning. I had been looking forward to seeing this doctor because I was under the impression that even though they couldn't take all my pain away they would still help me at least be able to manage it.
                We went through the preliminary questions such as do I have any alcoholics in my family? I in fact do I say and proceed to tell him who. How about any drug use? Yes I in fact do again and tell him who.  What about prescription drug abuse? mmm no.Neither of these people are me, but I do not wish to say on this public forum who they are.
                  Later I would find he put on my medical records that my potential for prescription drug abuse was labeled as being HIGH!
                  I freaked and said:" what the heck?, I am not the alcoholic or addict why is it marked high?" My husband said because addiction runs in the family. I wanted to go tell that doctor just how many times I have taken Vicodin, Percocet, and even OxyContin twice ,and yet I never have shown signs of abusing them. So how dare he put such a thing on my permanent record.
                  If that wasn't insulting enough this clinic had a l o n g list of things they can do to treat Fibromyalgia so I was hopeful.  That was one of the stupidest things I have done in a long time. After all the questions in which the doctor NEVER once made eye contact he gave me a VERY  
short exam and again made NO  eye contact. Now I am no raving beauty, and I am not the ugliest thing either. Even if I were what he considered to be the ugliest and most repulsive thing he has ever seen he should make eye contact.
                 When that was done he added insult to injury by saying first he doesn't believe in giving pain killers for Fibromyalgia because there is no proof they are beneficial to a person with Fibro. WHAT???
                  Well, it at least takes some of the pain away so I can at least do  something like clean my house, but if I don't have anything for pain I am not able to move much less accomplish anything.
                   Next out of that whole long list of things they can do for someone with Fibromyalgia this doctor said the only one in his opinion that truly works is Physical Therapy. Now my friends you know why I was so angry.
                    I will do two sessions of said therapy so I can learn what I need to do then keep doing it at home. Insurance only covers 50% of those visits. Also then when I go before Social Security I can honestly say I have ALWAYS  followed everything a physician suggests I try. Am I hopeful? No,because I have an aunt who has done the therapy and it didn't seem to help her much.
                   In the mean time I will be looking for another pain specialist that takes my insurance. I refuse to see a doctor that never made eye contact, puts a damning thing on my record that isn't even accurate, and wouldn't even explore any other option but Physical Therapy.

                  Until next time God bless,