Saturday, March 2, 2013

Noise Intolerance-Migrain

                Noise Intolerance-Migraines:

        Today I agreed to a short stop at Rite Aid to pick up some prescriptions, and Walmart with my husband, nine year old, and two year old. Immediately the two year old started screaming.  I wanted to go back inside the house and dear husband wanted me to just deal with it.
        I tried to tell him it was harder for me because it gives me migraines, but all he could say was:" Better a little pain now then deal with this later."
 If all I got was a little pain I could deal with it.
        At least with me and my Fibro I hear the initial scream and instantly noise intolerance kicks in. The screams feel like each one is shredding my nerves one by one and while that gets busy going on I get the relentless throb and auras that announce:" Your migraine has arrived."
        As I try to deal with all that and not fall apart my neck and area between my shoulders is one mess of burning, shredded nerves. Today, he even let her scream in the Walmart. I took a separate cart with my nine year old, and I kid you not even though we were on the other side of the store I heard every scream and so did my nine year old.
        By the time we got home I was barely walking and only giving very short, clipped answers. I immediately came on here so I could get this out while it's all still fresh. It still hurts like mad, but this needs to get out for the real world to understand some of what we go through.
         The pain is burning, gnawing, raw, and throbbing.I also feel like I am going to throw up anytime now. So much for the hypnosis to help me relax and the wonderful nap I had today that made me feel restored and like I could take on the world earlier. Sigh.

           Until next time God bless,   


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