Thursday, April 18, 2013

Good Side of Pain and Mental Illness

                                           Fibromyalgia and Mental HealthII:  

                Well after hearing the negative side to having a chronic health condtion along with illness let's bring in some of the positives.
            The most important one is we can relate on a level most people never can attain to unless they themselves have been through something similar. An example is I am a facilatator for a depression and Bi polar group by the name of DBSA Boise-Nampa. People with mental illness need to know they're not alone yes, but they also need to know that the things they have done or gone through have not only made them stronger but that other people have done the very same things. I once had a well meaning friend say: " ok, so you're depressed well I get really sad sometimes too so you just need to get over it." Her mom pulled me aside when she went to make a phone call and told me I wasn't alone and that if I ever needed to talk she was there for me 24/7 because she's been walking in my shoes a long time.
         Another good thing about mental illness is after you have decided to quit running and have decided to accept it's not your fault that this happened to you is you WILL make a great advocate in championing for other people with mental illness. You may not be able to help every one, but if you can just make an effort one day at a time we as a society might see a shift in the way people look at and respond to people with mental illness.
        Sometimes if I am having a great day mentally I notice that although I am hurting from my physical problems they're not as debilitating.
         Werll, there you have it. Some positive sides to having to deal with crap life threw your way. It's up to you now to find the rest of them on your own. I have no doubt you will do just fine.

                   Until next time God bless,


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