Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Flare From Hell

                                          The Flare From Hell:

                      On February 13th of this year I woke up to sore legs. I was upset, but also determined to ignore it because I figured it was just a flare. Each day up until the 17th I gradually got worse. I couldn't sleep, eat, or for that matter even think.
                      My husband took me to the E.R. on the 18th and the attending physician just said it was a Fibro flare and that my muscles were spasming in response to it. I asked for something to help me sleep since with this level of pain my Xanax can only make me tired. I was given Ativan. Did it work? No! of course not I am not that lucky. After waiting two hours to see if it would work I took my Xanax meds next, an hour later and still not able to sleep, and so I took four Tylenol P.M.'s.  (Finally, I could sleep.) I do NOT recommend anyone taking more than 2 at a time. My case was one which said: "desperate people will take desperate measures in order to feel good."
                    My mother in law took Abby for the night so I could sleep the whole next day if I was able to.
                     The next day I got up, took my morning pills, my essential oils, ate some cereal and cottage cheese (NOT together), then took four more PM's and read until I fell asleep.
                        Then today I slept some too, and went to acupuncture, or as my husband calls it pokes. The atmosphere there is so warm and relaxing. I wish I could just live there.
                          So even though I am not pain free I am in a much better place than I was when this week started. I was even able to make dinner for my family. :-)   Yay me!
                           I am so grateful for a husband who loves me even when my anger is thrown on him.
I am lucky he understands my pain and lack of sleep are the reason I get so nasty. I am grateful for my wonderful mother in law who has watched Abby for me since Monday night so that I can get over this flare from hell quicker.  I wish for all of my followers a good support system. Whether it's family, friend, or church members. It makes the flare "somewhat" tolerable.

                                  Until next time God Bless,



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