Thursday, January 31, 2013

Losing my mind

                Could you go Through This and not Lose Your Mind?

            I had a fellow Fibromyalgia friend ask me what do you do when even wearing your clothes hurt? My Aunt Billie suggested loose fitting  clothes. Slowly one by one I am building up a wardrobe that has only clothes like this. That was the easy answer, but what do you do when even those clothes hurt? Some days just being in my skin hurts.
            Statistics show that people who suffer from chronic pain of any kind are more likely to commit suicide and cut themselves. The obvious reason is because they want a relief from the pain. Just cutting yourself will temporarily will release endorphins as it works to close the wound. That brief moment there is no pain. The less obvious reason why people with chronic pain and illnesses commit suicide is they don't want to be a burden to their loved ones.
              I went to acupuncture today and I was in so much pain all it could do was make my pain tolerable. My acupuncturist would've let me stay until there was no pain, but after a certain amount of time my body gets restless and I know it's my body's way of saying: "we are through for today." What do you do when even your body conspires against you? As my mother says "just grin and bear it." Easier said than done, at least in my case. I go take a shower so no one sees me cry, come write on this blog, or pray. I pray first for the things I am thankful for, and then my wants. Someone once said:"What if God only gave you tomorrow the three things you prayed for today." Fibro fog keeps me from remembering the author, but it has made a difference in how I pray.

                                                                God bless, Karen

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